Greenland® Group of Companies

The Greenland Group of Companies (GREENLAND®) is a technology enabled engineering enterprise. It includes award winning consulting firms, other strategic businesses and internationally renowned research teams that collaborate on civil; environmental; alternative energy; and software engineering projects. These initiatives include Municipal Infrastructure; Water Resources; Asset Sustainability; Smart Water Grid; Low Impact Development; Landscape Architecture; and, Public-Private Partnerships (or P3s).

For 30 years, our unique Small – Medium Enterprise Collaborative brand has thrived to provide ecosystem goods and services on many landmark projects. This includes developing machine learning platforms and innovative web tools for net public benefit, health and wellness applications. We also strive to identify sustainable urban development solutions with a conservationist ethic. These incorporate evidence-based science; open source code and Internet-based data decision support systems; and, with adaptive (real-time) technologies that can address global climate change concerns (and opportunities).

Finally, for more than 15,000 years, Canada’s First Nations walked upon, and cared for the lands our head office calls home: namely, the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Ojibwe Nations, and many others who cared for their families and communities, the way we now seek to care for ours and operate our local & international business. Collingwood acknowledges the Lake Simcoe-Nottawasaga Treaty of 1818 and respects all Nation-to-Nation agreements that have formed relationships with the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. This includes the reality of our shared history, as well as past and current contributions of Indigenous People within our community. As a business, our employees and management team seek to continue empowering expressions of pride amongst all of the diverse stakeholders in our region. We also seek to do better, to continue to recognize, learn, and grow, in friendship and community, Nation-to-Nation.

Latest News


Greenland International Consulting Ltd. is working with the Alberta Water Council to further develop and enhance our existing THREATS web tool, which will provide a centralized location for the data and analytical tools needed to understand and assess risks to drinking water. Our team is delighted in having the opportunity to protect Albertans through this Source Water Protection project.

Source water protection is a risk management process to maintain or improve the conditions of water through proactive and collaborative identification, validation, assessment, and management of risk.

Greenland’s services will enable a central inventory for the data and information required to develop a comprehensive a plan. The resulting efficiencies will reduce barriers for various small urban and rural municipalities and non-municipal drinking water providers who lack resources and capacity.

Interested to learn more about source water protection? Please click here.

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We are proud of the communities we work in and always look for ways to support them.

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Client Testimonials

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

In March of 2013, Greenland International Consulting Ltd. completed a study for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to estimate nutrient loading in small catchment of about 177 square kilometers in the La Salle River watershed in southern Manitoba using the CANWET 4 model. Given uncertainties in some input data and model parameters, the preliminary results using the CANWET 4 model for baseline conditions of stream discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads were satisfactory in our project team as simulated values were within the range of observed values during the validation period.

This study suggests the CANWET 4 modeling approach could be used to predict changes to nutrient loads from changing land use scenarios in watersheds of this region.

Jason Vanrobaeys
Senior Land Resource Specialist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Six Nations of the Grand River

On behalf of the Public Works Office of the Six Nations of the Grand River, we would like to thank Greenland International Consulting Limited for the work completed to prepare the Master Drainage and Flood Remediation Plan (MDFRP) for both the Boston Creek and Rogers Creek subwatersheds, as well as the McKenzie Creek Subwatershed. These findings have enabled our office to identify all flood prone residences, building structures and other infrastructure throughout these subwatersheds with the flood plain mapping that has been prepared as part of this assignment.

Greenland has been integral to assisting our Office with identifying and prioritizing the remedial projects to mitigate flooding in the McKenzie, Boston and Rogers Creek subwatersheds that flow through our Community. We also appreciate Greenland's effort in assisting the Six Nations of the Grand River with the preparation of funding applications to secure the resources to complete these remedial works. We are convinced that this MDFRP completed for McKenzie Creek, Boston Creek and Rogers Creek can be used as a template for completing similar drainage and flood remediation works both locally and in other First Nations.

Michael R. Montour
Director of Public Works
Six Nations of the Grand River

December 2, 2019

Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation

The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (ICCA) is a national applied research centre that focuses on mobilizing practical and cost-effective solutions to address climate change and extreme weather events. To this end, the ICCA is an incubator of new adaptation ideas, conducting research, knowledge mobilization and promoting initiatives aimed at de-risking the negative impacts of a changing climate and extreme weather. One of ICCA’s concerns is a growing uninsurable housing market in Canada relative to sewer backup.
ICCA believes the advanced technology and features of the SafeSump system can be instrumental to mitigating basement flood potential.  I have one of the first prototypes of the SafeSump system installed in my home. I have interacted directly with the start-up founder. I view him as entrepreneurial and passionate, and have met other members of his team with whom I was similarly impressed.  I am also familiar with Greenland Consulting Engineers, and congratulate SafeSump Inc. on their choice to create a joint “SafeSump” venture with Greenland.
ICCA looks forward to a supportive relationship with SafeSump Inc. upon the larger scale availability of their much-needed technology.

Dr. Blair Feltmate
Head, Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo

October 6, 2016

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