Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)
Check out this (Greenland) video of THREATS (an open-source cumulative effects assessment tool to help direct environmental management (industrial or other)) and/or planning of future projects. It enables the compiling and juxtaposition of public environmental data (including, but not limited to, wildlife use areas and environmental quality data) with on-site or "targeted" environmental data. For security, the provision to include data protected behind a firewall exists to enable analysis and comparison of potentially sensitive data in the context of other datasets. The goal here is to allow for predictive capability and in turn mitigate potential effects. Equally, this provides a capacity to enable retroactive assessment (investigation of cause) of observed changes. The ability to spatially interpret stressor/pathway/receptor data, and conduct analyses within the tool, while retaining data in its original database (secure) is what is truly unique here. Excited to see what can be achieved with this powerful platform in areas where it has already begun to be used!
Neal Tanna
Advisor, Monitoring and Risk Assessment
Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)
November 3, 2017
Town of Innisfil
Re: Erosion Control and Advanced Sedimentation Pilot Project
On behalf of the Town of Innisfil, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Greenland International Consulting Ltd. for their excellent work in completing the Erosion Control and Advanced Sedimentation Pilot Project for the Town of Innisfil, funded in part by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. This project is a first step in broad-scale implementation of innovative stormwater management technologies in the Lake Simcoe Watershed to address on-going phosphorus and sediment concerns within the Lake.
Over the course of the three-year pilot project, Greenland studied the effectiveness of the Clearflow Group’s Advanced Sedimentation Technologies at an active development site in Innisfil. The project analyzed the performance of Clearflow’s Gel Flocculant Blocks and Treated Geo-Jute at removing fine sediments and nutrients at three stormwater management facilities that discharge to Lake Simcoe. These particles, and the associated nutrients and heavy metals, are traditionally not being removed by conventional stormwater management facilities and cause negative impacts downstream. The results of the project will help Innisfil and other municipalities and agencies to reduce sediment load from entering the environment as a result of construction activities.
As the lead consultant, Greenland coordinated with the Town staff, contractors, sub-consultants and the developer to ensure that open lines of communication were maintained and questions and issues raised were responded to promptly. The Greenland Team’s level of professionalism and thoroughness over the course of the project was valued by the Town.
Glen Switzer
Development Engineer
Town of Innisfil
July 8, 2022
Town of Collingwood
RE: Town of Collingwood ‘Smart’ Stormwater Project
I would like to thank and recognize GREENLAND® for their leadership role in the above project. Your firm identified the opportunity to work together with other private firms and public sector organizations, together with the support of the Town of Collingwood and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, to address a growing Concern in communities related to lot-level flood mitigation.
GREENLAND® strategized and implemented, over almost 3 years, the “first-ever in Canada” work plan to mitigate problems of climate-change induced stormwater flooding which impacts many residential, commercial and institutional properties. The innovative project approach monitored 4 different Low Impact Development (LID) approaches for reducing lot-level flooding and their ability to redirect site drainage away from municipal sewer systems. Using innovative real-time (aka ‘Smart’) technologies, GREENLAND® was also able to generate ‘Big Data’ that provided new insights into the effectiveness of these different approaches. The GREENLAND® team’s level of commitment, thoroughness and professionalism was appreciated by the municipality. GREENLAND® maintained open lines of communication with Town staff, contractors, participating residents, and promptly responded to all questions and issues raised by the public.
We commend your firm’s efforts as a pioneer in implementing this project approach.
Sonya Skinner
Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Collingwood
June 2, 2020