Asset Sustainability

Asset management is maintaining a desired level of service for what you want your assets to provide at the lowest life cycle cost. Lowest life cycle cost refers to best practices and appropriate cost for rehabilitating, repairing or replacing an asset. Asset management is implemented through an asset management program and typically includes a written asset management plan.

The challenges facing water and wastewater infrastructure (including stormwater management systems) include:

  • Determining the best (or optimal) time to rehabilitate, repair or replace aging assets;
  • Uncertainties about climate change upon stormwater runoff frequencies, flows and contaminant loadings;
  • New regulatory requirements;
  • Responding to emergencies (as a result of asset failures); and,
  • Protecting assets

Although the watershed protection concept is now accepted, it is essential to translate this interest into rational and logical processes that capture the interest of decision makers and (most important) the public. If asset sustainability in conjunction with watershed management directives are to be effective, it must be implemented with regulatory policies and legislation. But asset sustainability is not all about science for there are many components that are not strictly science based. Organization and structure, funding, public involvement and decision making that transcend political boundaries are essential to develop effective strategies – whether at the watershed or subwatershed level.

GREENLAND® environmental projects use professional, multi-disciplinary teams. The cost of pre-emptive environmental planning is a small percentage of new development costs. Despite its low cost, it provides invaluable information that can save money during infrastructure design and construction stages. It can also prevent costly remediation and rehabilitation works.

Our team of experts firmly believes that to improve the quality of life, society must first protect what is already healthy. Each project is client driven and ultimately generated by the unique set of circumstances that influence the area that is being considered for development. While tools and methods may change from time to time, our commitment to the needs of our clients is a priority.

Strategic asset management for water and wastewater infrastructure must have regard for “watersheds”, as well as cumulative effects and climate change, since watersheds are exceedingly intricate and inter-dependent complexes of land, water, plants and animals.

The watershed is also now recognized as the priority unit for identifying and managing water supply and wastewater treatment systems. However, this approach to find sustainable asset solutions can place significant pressures on resource agency managers and planners to provide leadership and innovation. 

Since incorporation (over 25 years ago), our corporate brand has regard for asset sustainability principles since we combine traditional engineering methods and bio-mimicry principles with 'smart' technologies. We also pioneered a responsible corporate brand with an environmental protection, conservationist ethic and climate adaptation priorities too. 

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Client Testimonials

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

In March of 2013, Greenland International Consulting Ltd. completed a study for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to estimate nutrient loading in small catchment of about 177 square kilometers in the La Salle River watershed in southern Manitoba using the CANWET 4 model. Given uncertainties in some input data and model parameters, the preliminary results using the CANWET 4 model for baseline conditions of stream discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads were satisfactory in our project team as simulated values were within the range of observed values during the validation period.

This study suggests the CANWET 4 modeling approach could be used to predict changes to nutrient loads from changing land use scenarios in watersheds of this region.

Jason Vanrobaeys
Senior Land Resource Specialist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)

Check out this (Greenland) video of THREATS (an open-source cumulative effects assessment tool to help direct environmental management (industrial or other)) and/or planning of future projects. It enables the compiling and juxtaposition of public environmental data (including, but not limited to, wildlife use areas and environmental quality data) with on-site or "targeted" environmental data. For security, the provision to include data protected behind a firewall exists to enable analysis and comparison of potentially sensitive data in the context of other datasets. The goal here is to allow for predictive capability and in turn mitigate potential effects. Equally, this provides a capacity to enable retroactive assessment (investigation of cause) of observed changes. The ability to spatially interpret stressor/pathway/receptor data, and conduct analyses within the tool, while retaining data in its original database (secure) is what is truly unique here. Excited to see what can be achieved with this powerful platform in areas where it has already begun to be used!

Neal Tanna
Advisor, Monitoring and Risk Assessment
Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)

November 3, 2017

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

RE: Town of Innisfil (Community of Alcona) Flood Reduction Class Environmental Assessment

On behalf of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA), I would like to thank GREENLAND® International - Consulting Engineers for the excellent work undertaken to complete the Flood Reduction Class Environmental Assessment for the Community of Alcona. I also want to provide you our sincere appreciation for the support GREENLAND® provided both in-kind and financially which allowed the project to proceed. The approved strategy will now enable the LSRCA and Town of Innisfil to move forward with the next phase of the project so that the science-based, publicly supported solution, can be implemented to alleviate flooding impacting residents in Alcona as soon as possible. 

The project goal was to develop a sustainable - engineering solution to reduce significant annual flood damages currently occurring within the Community of Alcona (Town of Innisfil) and located within the Belle Aire Creek subwatershed. The project included a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process with extensive public and other stakeholder consultations to advance a solution involving enhancing a wetland (green infrastructure) to provide flood mitigation. The project was proposed over a decade ago and was then adopted in the Town’s Master Drainage Plan as required under the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. It is now one step closer to completion. 

The project deliverables produced by GREENLAND® included an Environmental Study Report (ESR) which now provides a science-based, well-engineered, thorough and systematic understanding of the chronic flooding that has impacted the affected settlement area in the Town of Innisfil. The Environmental Study Report (by GREENLAND®) also developed a proactive flood mitigation and resiliency plan that can now be implemented by the LSRCA, Town and other stakeholders. Finally, the project work plan satisfied requirements of Ontario's Class Environmental Assessment process and with an effective/collaborative spirit of a "public-private partnership” utilizing and ecosystem approach. The timelines to complete the project were very aggressive and I was pleased that GREENLAND® was able to complete the project on-time and budget. 

In conclusion, the role that GREENLAND® played to prepare the funding application for Canada’s National Disaster Mitigation Program; securing in-kind participation of the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (ICCA) at the University of Waterloo; providing in-kind Intellectual Property leveraging resources, and the financial contribution helped ensure the project was a complete success. I look forward to working with your company again on other partnerships of mutual interest and would be pleased to serve as professional references on similar projects. 

Michael Walters
(Former) Chief Administrative Officer
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

November 6, 2020

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