Research & Development

The overriding issue of our time is the rapid degradation of the ecosphere. It affects all of us. Recent climate change impact events have served to forcefully inform, if not shock us, into the realization that “systems” originally designed to manage and protect water or air may very well be broken or, at best, not operating effectively. In some case the realty may be worse – the environmental infrastructure may not exist.

Since 1994, GREENLAND® has been responsible for health & wellness and environmental systems research, including:

  • Stormwater management facility performance and maintenance;
  • Surface and groundwater modelling and development web-based information platforms;
  • Watershed health and stream restoration monitoring tools & best practices;
  • Remote sensing applications for collaborative river basin protection projects;
  • Green roof and vegetated or “breathing wall” technologies for new buildings and retrofitted facilities;
  • Intuitive mobility access systems (incl. “Smart Door” prototype); and,
  • Design performance verification of Low Impact Development (LID) practices and development of Smart stormwater technologies.

For example, in partnership with other teams, we initiated a research program about a new (yet "natural") water treatment technology for storm water management facilities and waterways. A number of demonstration sites in North America and overseas were identified. Pilot sites were initially constructed. GREENLAND® was responsible for the monitoring of the Canadian projects and assisted with the preparation of technical publications and conference presentations about the global project findings. The concept for these natural treatment systems is rooted in biomimicry and hydroponics. While these structures are initially being marketed as aesthetically beautiful and able to enhance biodiversity and nurture fish and wildlife, more scientific applications were identified to naturally clean and oxygenate waterways.

Finally, GREENLAND® was retained to identify alternatives to eradicate invasive fish species in Canadian waterways by using new / existing mechanical and chemical treatment technologies and again to test marketable global products for removing filterable reactive phosphorous from water bodies. Engineering and natural science advice was required on how best to manipulate site-specific problem areas and to design the most effective water body treatment systems, and set of protocols / procedures, while minimizing environmental and property impacts.

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Client Testimonials

City of Ottawa

On behalf of the City of Ottawa, we would like to thank Greenland International Consulting Limited, and in particular, Don Moss for his exemplary efforts in his role as Model Keeper for the City of Ottawa… Greenland has achieved a high level of confidence with Senior Staff and City Council as well Conservation authority and the Ontario Ministry of Environment… The City is appreciative of the new Modelling Tool developed by Greenland which will assist the City in conducting timely and efficient development reviews. The City will now be able to test proposed infrastructure with the overall development, determine changing impacts to existing infrastructure as ponds, as well as any changes to the receiving watercourses.

Don’s knowledge, dedication and professional approach over the past five years has been a crucial factor in the success of the project under very challenging circumstances.

Don Herweyer, MCIP, RPP
Program Manager
City of Ottawa

February 11, 2014

Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

On behalf of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (the ‘Ministry’), we would like to thank Stragis Environmental Services Inc. for its exemplary efforts as an environmental consultant…

The level of service and timely delivery of all reports, analyses and correspondence was greatly appreciated by the Ministry staff… Stragis has provided important insight and recommendations regarding the Ministry’s proactive approach to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

To that end, our team at the Ministry would be pleased to provide references for your firm on similar projects in the future.

Chris Milligan
Logistics & Assets Coordinator
Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

January 17, 2014

Moriyama & Teshima Architects

On behalf of Moriyama & Teshima Architects, I would like to thank you for your high level of competence and involvement expressed in the design process on the Keele Street Public School Addition and Renovation project… I felt you were integral and instrumental in coming in and taking the project from an ill-fated design…to design completion, tender and the approvals stage. You showed high levels of knowledge and understanding in your field, and your thoroughness and professionalism have led to the success of this project to date. I am thoroughly satisfied in the way you designed the services system, dealt with authorities having jurisdiction, and for your recommendations regarding budgetary concerns.

I would not hesitate in recommending you as a civil engineering consultant on any further project I am involved with.

Gene Ascenzi   B.Arch, OAA, MRAIC, LEEP AP
Project Manager
Moriyama & Teshima Architects

August 25, 2014

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