Since 1994, GREENLAND® has been responsible for health & wellness and environmental systems research, including:
For example, in partnership with other teams, we initiated a research program about a new (yet "natural") water treatment technology for storm water management facilities and waterways. A number of demonstration sites in North America and overseas were identified. Pilot sites were initially constructed. GREENLAND® was responsible for the monitoring of the Canadian projects and assisted with the preparation of technical publications and conference presentations about the global project findings. The concept for these natural treatment systems is rooted in biomimicry and hydroponics. While these structures are initially being marketed as aesthetically beautiful and able to enhance biodiversity and nurture fish and wildlife, more scientific applications were identified to naturally clean and oxygenate waterways.
Finally, GREENLAND® was retained to identify alternatives to eradicate invasive fish species in Canadian waterways by using new / existing mechanical and chemical treatment technologies and again to test marketable global products for removing filterable reactive phosphorous from water bodies. Engineering and natural science advice was required on how best to manipulate site-specific problem areas and to design the most effective water body treatment systems, and set of protocols / procedures, while minimizing environmental and property impacts.
Town of Penetanguishene
Thank you very much to everyone who was involved in making this happen. The report is very clear, precise, and informative. I’m pleasantly surprised at the (watermain testing) results which have eased some of my concerns regarding this pipe... Thanks again. Much appreciated.
Alain Roy
Water Distribution Operator
Town of Penetanguishene (Ontario)
December 9, 2024
Town of The Blue Mountains
On behalf of the Town of The Blue Mountains, we would like to thank you and your organization for your specialized technical support in a peer review capacity over the past four years… Your team not only provided timely review of all drainage related features of development applications but introduced updated municipal design criteria addressing changing climatic conditions. By unraveling the weather factors that impact snow melt potential, your team has helped the Town better understand how to be proactive in developing sustainable infrastructure.
Your team’s support assisted in keeping Town’s development projects moving forward efficiently. In addition to this, the review and introduction of updated municipal design criteria and construction standards addressing changing climatic conditions, continues to ensure the Town of The Blue Mountains fulfills its mandate for sustainable development.
Reg Russwurm MBA, P. Eng.
Director of Engineering and Public Works
Town of The Blue Mountains
February 3, 2014
Township of Essa
RE: Township of Essa Engineering Services
On behalf of the Township of Essa (Township), I would like to acknowledge Greenland for its exemplary services to complete the 2022 Community of Angus Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA). This legacy Township document developed municipal water and wastewater system models. These calibrated tools were then used by Greenland to develop a sustainable infrastructure planning framework for water and wastewater servicing expansion requirements within the Community of Angus. The project was completed “on-budget and on-time” and cognizant of environmental, technical and socio-economic constraints and opportunities affecting the Township of Essa.
We also appreciate your team’s expertise to provide subsequent model-keeper and development peer review support services. These important responsibilities and overseen by Township staff will help ensure new development approvals proceed in a manner which is consistent with the infrastructure management and expansion needs established by the completed IMP EA project.
Finally, we recognize the professional credentials and attention to detail involvement by your assigned team led by Mr. Josh Maitland, P. Eng.
We look forward to working with Greenland on other projects and serving as a professional reference.
Michael Mikael, P.Eng
Manager of Public Works/Deputy CAO
Township of Essa
October 18, 2023