Low Impact Development (LID)

Low Impact Development (LID) is a stormwater management and land development strategy applied at the road right-of-way, site plan and subdivision scale. This strategy emphasizes conservation and use of on-site natural features, integrated with engineered, small-scale hydrologic controls to more closely mimic pre-development hydrology. The goal of LID is to prevent measurable harm to streams, lakes, wetlands and other natural aquatic systems from commercial, residential or industrial sites. LID technologies and related design practices are used by GREENLAND® clients (wherever feasible from a functional perspective) for municipal infrastructure and land development projects.

Our LID planning and design strategy (by our engineering and landscape architecture teams) can include:

  • Green roofs;
  • Rainwater gardens;
  • Rainwater harvesting systems;
  • Permeable pavement structures
  • Bio-swales;
  • Artificial floating islands; and,
  • Other innovative ‘smart systems’ developed from the principles of bio-mimicry.

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Client Testimonials

Bird Construction Ltd.

Dear Team,

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for your invaluable contributions to the 29 Birch Street RFP. Your dedication, insights, and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in shaping a comprehensive and compelling proposal. It’s amazing how well this team has come together and worked online, and this RFP document and team will form a repeatable and formidable approach as we see more RFPs hit the province.

On behalf of BIRD, thank you once again for your commitment and exceptional work. I look forward to our continued success together.

Sean Hart
Construction Manager
Bird Construction Ltd.

January 9, 2024

Muskoka Watershed Council

The Muskoka Watershed Council’s mission is to champion watershed health in those watersheds that flow into and through the District Municipality of Muskoka. There is no conservation authority in Muskoka, instead the Council is a volunteer-based organization supported by the District of Muskoka, local consulting firms, and local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change offices.

The Muskoka Watershed Council is currently undertaking a project to understand the potential impact of climate change in Muskoka to the year 2050. In working with our municipal partners, decision support tools such as Greenland’s new CANWET-5 model could be useful in informing our watershed management planning decisions in relation to policy development, stewardship priorities and education and communication programs. 

Peter Sale
Muskoka Watershed Council

November 17, 2014

Provincial Parliament - Riding of Barrie-Innisfil

As the Member of Provincial Parliament for the riding of Barrie-Innisfil, I am pleased to extend my congratulations to The Greenland Group of Companies on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary.

Thank you for growing your business with a focus on making a minimal impact on the environment. The experience that you have gained already will prove invaluable to smarter, innovative developments.

I wish you continued success in delivering award-winning engineering and technologies as you serve communities across Canada.


Andrea Khanjin
Barrie-Innisfil MPP


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