
Urban Watershed Group (UWG)
is recognized for and specializes in creative and innovative urban land and civil engineering solutions for planners, developers and public sector clients. The team includes environmental, municipal and water resources engineering and other information technology specialists affiliated with the Greenland Group of Companies. UWG provides diverse services and leading-edge capabilities that can support the success of the most challenging urban land projects today. UWG was established in 2002 as a consulting firm with various civil engineering business units that were self-managed, yet worked together as a composite team to produce cost-effective results. In 2006, the company joined GREENLAND® to strengthen its capabilities within increasingly competitive markets and to use all proprietary GREENLAND® decision support system and smart analytical tools. Since incorporation, UWG continues to help shape the world around us – including time-tested experience, comprehensive resources and intelligent solutions for urban land projects.

Our core service offerings include:

  • Land Development Engineering
    • Subdivision Engineering
    • Site Plan Engineering
  • Low Impact Development
  • Field Services and Contract Administration
  • Environmental Services
    • Monitoring, Phase 1 and 2 ESAs and compliance
The key to Urban Watershed’s success is its people. Direct principal involvement in every project gives clients the experienced project management, effective communication and technical expertise they deserve. From initial meetings through planning, project development and construction, a UWG principal provides experienced coordination and assurance that your project receives the vital resources and hands-on expertise to make it successful. The company also has respected relationships with governmental and regulatory decision-makers and an unequaled grasp of local building and development regulations in the Canadian market. UWG continues to be an extraordinarily versatile company for site and civil engineering projects. We have successfully worked on numerous large and complex mixed-use projects and are recognized as industry leaders in solving challenging issues.

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Client Testimonials

Simcoe County District School Board

On behalf of the Simcoe County District School Board, I would like to thank the Greenland Group of Companies for their exemplary civil engineering and landscape architectural services. You have been an integral part of the Board’s success in a multitude of new construction projects. Greenland’s commitment, thoroughness, and professionalism have led to the success of each and every one of these projects. Your attention to timeliness and budgetary concerns makes you a leader in the field of consulting services.

Steve Parker
Manager – Design & Construction Services
Simcoe County District School Board

February 3, 2014


The Greenland Group (Greenland) was introduced to Communitech in 2013. This letter is to acknowledge the importance of this proactive joint venture and to indicate our strong interest in future project partnerships with Greenland and other network members.

Greenland is now supporting other joint initiatives with Communitech. These leading-edge information technology partners will include other private sector members with the Communitech network, as well as Ontario government agencies and First Nation communities. These projects are intended to develop commercialized products and services involving the Greenland Group and other Communitech partners and to enable new Canada-wide related collaborations.

Mark, if any your prospective clients or contacts have questions regarding our collaborative efforts to date, ongoing discussions and project leveraging capabilities, the Communitech team would be more than happy to help.

We look forward to our continued strong collaboration with Greenland.

Iain Klugman

February 19, 2015

Sustainable Buildings Canada

Sustainable Buildings Canada (SBC) has worked closely with Greenland Consulting Engineers (Greenland) as part of the Savings By Design program offered by Enbridge Gas Distribution. The program features an integrated design workshop that exposes builders and developers to the potential environmental and energy performance benefits that can be achieved through a holistic planning process. This includes identifying alternative approaches to site sustainability including low impact development and storm water management.

Inherent in the integrated design process is the need to access experienced and highly qualified individuals and organizations that can identify potential alternative solutions. SBC has a very capable roster of consultants that represent the core expertise required for this kind of expertise. Greenland is one of those organizations, providing critical input related to storm water management, low impact development and site sustainability.

Greenland consulting staff are all extremely knowledgeable and up to date on the various issues related to storm water management and low impact development and have always provided that expertise in a professional manner, recognizing the need to be sensitive to both the needs of the developers and the desire to improve environmental performance. It has been a great pleasure to work with Greenland and we look forward to doing so in the future.

Michael Singleton
Executive Director
Sustainable Buildings Canada

November 1, 2013

Corporate Partnerships & Associations

Partnerships and Accreditations