Project Information Websites

The following are current websites for ongoing land development, environmental engineering and technology implementation projects:

Client Testimonials

Corporation of the Town of Collingwood (Canada)

RE: Town of Collingwood - Master Stormwater Management Final Report

Your team did a great job conveying the output of your work to the Development Committee last night.  I think the analysis was well understood by Members, and that there is confidence in the approach you have taken to the work.  This topic is very important for Collingwood, and it is great to have this intelligent analysis from which to continue to leap forward.
Sonya G. Skinner, P. Eng.
Chief Administrative Officer
Corporation of the Town of Collingwood (Canada)
February 15, 2022

Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

On behalf of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (the ‘Ministry’), we would like to thank Stragis Environmental Services Inc. for its exemplary efforts as an environmental consultant…

The level of service and timely delivery of all reports, analyses and correspondence was greatly appreciated by the Ministry staff… Stragis has provided important insight and recommendations regarding the Ministry’s proactive approach to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

To that end, our team at the Ministry would be pleased to provide references for your firm on similar projects in the future.

Chris Milligan
Logistics & Assets Coordinator
Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

January 17, 2014

University of Guelph

The reappearance of excessive nutrient loading in Lake Erie and the subsequent algae blooms is an extremely complex issue and is quite different in nature than the previous phosphorous loadings in the 1970s. Unlike the issue in the 1970s, there are far more sources adding nutrients to the late and these sources are diverse in nature ranging from rural to urban. In order to understand the nutrient loading, both in the temporal and spatial domains, more complex analytic and predictive tools are required in order to help policy make sound, science based, and defendable solutions.

The University of Guelph is uniquely positioned to help address the issues around Lake Erie with long standing core strengths in both the agricultural sector and the environmental field. In conjunction with our partner, Greenland Consulting Engineers, and their watershed evaluation tool (CANWETTM), we believe that we have the engineering and technology to extrapolate CANWETTM from the watershed level up to the lake basin level and provide decision-making support for the entire Lake Erie basin.

Hussein Abdullah, Ph.D., P. Eng.
Director, School of Engineering
University of Guelph

January, 26 2015

Corporate Partnerships & Associations

Partnerships and Accreditations