Cortel Group
Greenland and Dr. Goss also played an important role in identifying issues with the initial study proposal.
This led to the Province and Williams Treaty First Nations reaching a resolution based on manageable terms.
With thanks,
Elsa Fancello
Project Manager
Cortel Group (Vaughan, Canada)
November 20, 2024
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
On behalf of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, we would like to thank you and your consulting firm for your technical capacity in completing the CANWET model with baseline conditions in our watershed.
I have worked closely with Greenland Consulting Engineers (Greenland) over the past two years as part of this project. We also value your staff’s ability to troubleshoot issues and respond on time. Greenland’s commitment, thoroughness, and professionalism have led to the success of this project with the addition of a new routine to the CANWET software.
It has been a great pleasure to work with Greenland and we look forward to using your expertise again in the near future.
Sobhalatha Kunjikutty, Ph.D, P.Eng.
Water Resources Engineer
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
February 19, 2015
County of Simcoe
The County of Simcoe is the upper tier government and planning authority for most of the South Georgian Bay – Lake Simcoe Source Water Protection Region. The County, in partnership with its member municipalities, other levels of government, floodplain management agencies and two (2) conservation authorities, also provides leadership through policy, and actively in the restoration and protection of the environmental health and quality of these watersheds. As you know, in order to comply with, and be environmentally proactive with respect to the Province of Ontario’s “Places to Grow” legislation, the County of Simcoe utilized innovative decision support tools such as Greenland’s CANWET™ model. In 2012, CANWET™ was also used by the County to prepare a “Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Visioning Strategy”. To this day, the information in the Strategy’s final report is used by local municipalities, development interests and other stakeholders as a background reference to help identify sustainable development solutions.
This letter confirms the County of Simcoe's commitment of support which includes initially facilitating the introduction of this landmark international collaboration with all 16 local municipalities, other governments (small and large) and other agencies that partner now with the County of Simcoe on land use planning; infrastructure renewal; and flooding risk/damage reduction initiatives.
As always, I look forward to our continued working relationship with you and your colleagues and the significant benefits these efforts will have for our residents and environment. The County of Simcoe appreciates your efforts towards developing information based decision making tools and we are confident that this project will prove beneficial in our collaborative goal to improve watershed health for all County residents.
Mark Aitken
Chief Administration Officer
The Corporation of the County of Simcoe
October 19, 2015